Heating & Hot Water
The heating controls are on the right hand side wall of the utility room.
Heating zone 1 = under floor heating
Heating zone 2 = towel rails & top floor room radiators Water = hot water
The heating will have been set for you but if you’re cold or need extra hot water press the boost button underneath the required zone.
- Zone 1 for underfloor heating
- Zone 2 for the towel rails and top floor room radiators
- Water for hot water (!) This will give you an extra hour of heat.
If this isn’t enough press the Advance button for the required zone. This will put the heat on until the next planned cycle. Once the house is at your required temperature please check that it goes back to ‘Auto’.
The house is very well insulated and under average conditions the thermostats should be at about 20 degrees. In colder weather you may want to set it a few degrees higher on the lower ground floor.